About The Blog ;
i started this blog as a personal outlet for myself. i realized that i have a lot of opinions, & being the blunt person that i am, id rather not keep them to myself.
i'm simply here to vent & start discussions.
i encourage you all to comment with your own personal thoughts, since
"everyone's entitled
to their own opinions".
but don't take anything on here TOO personally,
or else you just might end up as my next entry. (:

About Me ♥ ;

As you can probably tell by the URL, yes, i am korean.
so dont flip out on me, about being racist.
WHICH i am, but still..
. . . anyway, as an inside joke between friends, & as a "little known fact",
i do believe that koreans have bad tempers.
& i am no exception.

i am Stephanie,
an angry young woman,
who takes pride in voicing her opinions.
i graduated with a PHD in sarcasm, and ive received the Stubborn award in 1990.
please, do not ask for autographs or pictures, without money offers.

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Edible Arts

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Toilet Horrors ;
Men are naturally a bit more careless & gross than girls, i get that.
but LADIES; when i fucking open a stall and i see period blood, shit, piss, the absence of TOILET PAPER, AND a USED pad/tampon hanging out of the trashcans?! my mind is fucking blown.
i am NOT proud to say that i have come across this more than once, actually its probably MORE than a handful of times ive come across such a scene, and each time it completely just.. UGH, you cannot fathom the immensity of the disgust i feel.
i just dont get it, WHERE in the fucking world has it been okay to NOT wipe your fecking ass after a shit?
i mean, girls, if your GUY-friends knew of this, what the HELL would they say?
Arnt you embarrassed?
Most guys have this image of girls, that their farts smell like unicorns or cupcakes, and their bodies just naturally dont produce any waste, only the occasional pee.
Would you LIKE me to post what ACTUALLY happens?!

Its just amazing how i can walk into a nicely decorated restroom, filled with bowls of potpourri, vanity mirrors,  glossy silver sinks, brightly colored tiled floors, and then i open a stall and see,

People, it doesnt matter WHAT gender you are,
or else ill be fucking shoving the Charms Bears up your pee hole, when i find out who you disgusting motherfuckers are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very blunt and honest Ms. Stephanie.
I love it. Even though this entry is quite disgusting, i must say.

February 18, 2011 at 1:10 AM  
Anonymous Jerry said...

I check the bathrooms to make sure they're clean at work. WOMEN ARE FILTHY. Men's bathroom doesn't get checked as often. Women's bathroom is always messy n gets checked on more.. They can't pick up their own ish..

February 18, 2011 at 3:25 AM  
Blogger Edible Art said...

i agree jerry. its completely disgusting and sad.
arhghsdjflkadj !
its REALLY not that hard to flush, or properly throw away trash in the trash-bins..

February 18, 2011 at 3:40 AM  
Anonymous Hilary said...

There's cockroaches in the women's bathroom at the park, and the men's is even worse. I'm really anal about cleanliness in a bathroom or really anywhere, I've always got hand sanitizer on me, haha. I agree, when I see a tampon half hanging over the toilet seat.. I wonder what's happened to the stereotypical "Women" of this world.

February 18, 2011 at 12:31 PM  
Blogger Edible Art said...

well with a park, i sort of understand, theres no one to really clean it DAILY, and roaches would be all over that shit since its outside..

im mostly referring to restaurants, malls, theaters, & such.

and the thing is pads and tampons arnt even SUPPOSE to be flushed down the toilet, theyre suppose to be PROPERLY wrapped up and thrown away inside the small trashbins.. ughh but youre right Hilary, what DID happen to the women of this world..

February 18, 2011 at 12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anissa said...

haha also when you walk in and you see shoe prints on the toilet like u used to see in elementary school, and being freaked out how you gotta look up before you "do your business" haha its a bit ridicules and the whole pad thing how girls dont throw them away properly is kind of sad they teach you how to dispose of your shit in ELEMENTARY school the funny part is how i dont like going to what i call "community bathrooms" haha id rather wait till i get home or at least someone i know i hate public bathrooms PERIOD.... hahah

February 18, 2011 at 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Korean Temper said...

haha, very true anissa,
but what do you mean by "looking up before you do you business" ?

*sighh but we arnt always able to have access to family/friends bathrooms, sometimes you just gotta go when you gotta go, and hope for the best... -.x

February 18, 2011 at 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anissa said...

like since u see shoe prints on the toilet then u go o he next one cause its cleaner and u go and just tend to look up to make sure no one is looking down hahah *pee-peers*

February 22, 2011 at 8:07 PM  

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